Saturday, 15 October 2011

Bear Republic Red Rocket Ale

In what was probably a very innocently named beer, the moniker 'Red Rocket' garnished a chuckle inside as I though back to that South Park Episode. If you haven't seen it, then you won't get it!

Bear Republic is a Californian micro brewery who make some bold claims about this brew. It is apparently a 'bastardized Scottish red ale' that 'breaks all style molds'. So the proverbial gauntlet has been thrown into the dirt, by an American kilt-wearing ranga who was born out of wedlock.

Just the pouring of this beer is something to behold. It looks about as heavy as Roseanne Barr riding a water buffalo, with a dark granulated cola coloured body. Trying to see through the glass will give you an idea of what a general day in the life of Stevie Wonder looks like.

The beer is sweet and malty, and hopped off it's tits. The feel is thick and creamy and goes down quite nicely. It's almost like a poor man's Trappist beer. Just lacking that 'special something', but very close to it. In fact 'poor mans' is going too far... lower middle class mans? And at 6.9% the afterburner is well short of an F-16, and keeps it's foot well inside the line of drinkable.

There is no way in hell you'd buy a six pack to watch the footy, but if you're making a mix and match sixer and doing some globetrotting it is worth punching this stamp in your passport.


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