Golf. Undoubtedly one of the shittest sports on the planet. Haters gonna hate I know... "You just don't understand it", "It's an intellectuals game"... yeah yeah. It's for the most part a bunch of fat middle aged dudes hitting a ball into a hole. I have played it, it was boring, unless there was beer involved. But you can say that about anything. A calculus exam would probably be moderately exciting with beer involved.
This ale pays homage to 'the home of golf', St. Andrews in Scotland. The story goes that the first ever game of golf was played there. It must have been a truly historical moment when a bloke holding a stick, saw a rock on the ground, and a hole a few hundred yards away, and decided to hit the rock towards the hole with the stick. Little did he know that his future self would be jet setting around the world banging the shit out of porn stars.
Let's forget about golf for a minute though and focus on this almost whiskey coloured beer. It does look great I have to say, far more attractive than John Daly bending over to mark his ball anyway. This is a stupid beer to dedicate to Golf though. Why? Because there is so much going on! There's sweet smokey malts, that have been drizzled in caramel and toffee, and garnished with hops. The carbonation is perfect. Very light, but with just enough buzz. The body feel is moderate, but you wouldn't want it any different.
A complex beer, that is far more entertaining than the game it salutes. Top drop. Would happily tee off for another round.
It's fair to say there's more fat middle aged dudes sitting around drinking beer than playing golf, why pick on the coordinated fat middle aged dudes? Anyway, reasonable beer, I'd dedicate it to golf.