I've now become very wary of the word 'Premium'. The beer world bandies it about with reckless abandon and most of the time 'Premium' beers turn out to be watery shit, boasting the same level of rich pedigree as the parents of Stephen Milne.
This, however, is one of the stranger offerings from the world of 'Premium' beers.
BYRON BAY is stamped across the bottle to garner attention, and then you notice that it is an 'ale' instead of a lager. Mostly lagers try and boost their appeal by tacking the word 'Premium' on to their title. So the psychology working here is that it appears to be a craft ale, but a fancier version, and it comes from Byron Bay long thought to be a mecca of coolness. "This beer will go great with my op shop cardigan and skinny jeans" they cried.
Luckily for me, I have a bullshit radar. I'm not even sure this IS an ale! It tastes like a malt lager and is very clear for an ale. The hops are hiding in the background and there is but a hint of bitterness in it's aftertaste. The feel to it is very weak compared to what you normally get in an ale.
It's not a horrible beer, it's drinkable but I just feel like someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes here. If it didn't have Byron Bay written all over it I'm not sure anyone would've taken notice of it. It's very malty, sweet and thin on substance. Not at all like I'd expect from a 'Premium Ale'.
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