For the last 10 years, Cascade has released a limited batch of these beers, brewed with the first harvest of Tasmanian hops. I've never really had one before, but apparently they can end up quite different from one year to the next as the brewers tinker with the recipe.
I have to say, for a mainstream brewery, it's impressive. It's an interesting journey though, at first you get a whirlwind of hops that punches a surprised look on your face... before the corporate execs suddenly throw a glass of cold water in your gob and wash it away.
What I'm trying to say here, is that you can feel what the brewer was TRYING to achieve, to the point just before the suits got their hands on it and demanded that 'clean' mainstream flavour as they don't have a business model for a cloudy, creative hop driven beer.
It's a shame. It's starts well, but then becomes watery and lacks an aftertaste. I'm actually quite confused as to how such a hop driven beer can lack a bitter bite in it's tail. I probably don't even want to know what they added to supress it to be honest.
One of the better mainstream beers on the market, for sure, but a shadow of what it could have been.
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