Chimay White
Fittingly named the 'Tripel', this is the third Chimay I've drunk on this challenge and possibly the pick of the bunch. It's a 8% alcohol Belgian Ale and boy was I excited to get into it.
Always best drunk in a glass, the tripel pours out a rich golden colour, almost orange in appearance. A huge bubbling head steams out of the liquid before dissolving, leaving a trail of spiderweb like lacing along the side of the glass. Even the show it puts on before you drink it is impressive.
The Tripel is surprisingly sweet, the other Chimay's are also but this seem to take the cake. It's almost candy sweet, with a cola like tone before a slight alcoholic burn rides atop a wave of heavy hop bitterness.
The feel of the beer is slick, and heavy, almost oily but not in a bad way.
Very impressive, a completely different level to the vast majority of beers you come across worldwide. All the Chimay's are great in their own right, this may very well be the best one.
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