There's been a few too many Belgian blond beers lately, but this was once again what happened to be in the fridge. Still, it's a nice warm day and that's the natural habitat of the blond beer.
The ale looks beautifully ugly in the glass. The colour is a murky amber with tinges of yellow and gold, but has more depth to it than one would expect. The head is tall and durable and caps off what is already looking very intriguing.
The feel of the beer is great, light and crisp (perfectly carbonated) but still solid. Unfortunately the flavours don't really come through as much as I had hoped. It's extremely yeasty, with sweet honey-like edges. I can't say that the combination really works for me. There is also a sourness to it that feels similar to bobbing for lemon warheads in a barrel of vinegar.
It's almost like one of those absolutely epic drunken fast food runs, where you end up eating enough to feed 3 African tribes. It feels good on one hand, but also so wrong on the other. The build of the beer works, high AHV, solid body, balanced carbonation... but the actual guts of the operation have gone afoul. It's like enriching a plot of land with fertile soil, and then building an Ed Hardy store on top of it. I want to like this beer, but I don't. Maybe it is simply just my personal tastes, or maybe it really is just an ultimate failure of a Belgian ale. You'd have to try it yourself to decide.
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