This rather strangely titled, and labelled, ale hails from the holy brewing land of Belgium. I cannot make anything out from the bottle so I have no idea what I'm about to drink, but seeing as it's a Belgian ale, there is little to be concerned about. As per usual, the alcohol volume is elevated, in this instance sitting at 7%.
Upon releasing the troll from it's cage, it appears that this is a spicy blond ale. The ale bears a light golden hue, while wearing a foamy crown upon it's skull. The taste is, to be honest, a little underwhelming. Fruity and spicy, but just not as refined as I was expecting. Almost in the fashion of a white wine, the initial feel is thin and sweet before a dry finish rolls in to the distance. The flavours are too tame for this type of beer.
As far as trolls go, this is no David Thorne or Anonymous... try and imagine a bearded Dane Cook lurking underneath a bridge. That's the level we're playing at. So without branding it a 'bad' beer, I do have to say that I was undoubtedly disappointed. As far as Belgian blonds go, this one is a bit of a Kim Clijsters.
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