This beer brandishes a 'World Beer Awards' World's Best Ale moniker on the neck of the bottle. I don't know much about the World Beer Awards and their subsequent credibility, but nevertheless placing that on your beer is to strut with a Rick James level of swagger. The blurb on the back of the bottle mentions that the beer is booming with 'dark fruits, ripe malt and a deep port wine finish'. Ouch. That does not sound appealing according to my general tastes.
The ale pours a deep almost purple/maroon tinged black, with an ever so slight head that hangs around and refuses to disappear. The smell is epic... you can definitely smell the port. I am sensing a titanic struggle ahead... as I am not a wine drinker, which pretty much makes me not a port drinker by default. The feel of the beer is somewhat flimsy, but bone dry. There is nothing but a proverbial barren wasteland where my mouth once stood. Port, fruits and malt dominate, much like the blurb warned. I really can't handle it, I'm happy to admit that. At 8.5% with these ingredients it is like thermite.
How this ever won a world beer award is beyond me. It's barely a beer to begin with. Maybe the WBA is an organisation trademarked by Robinson's, and is just for a bit of show. Like a Dermatological Excellency Association on a skin cream ad, or the results of a mobile phone cancer research report funded by Nokia. I'm sure there are people out there that would crucify me for this review, but this beer just really doesn't play to my tastes.
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