Sunday, 8 May 2011

3 Ravens White - Beer 100!

The ton is up! This is the 100th beer!

This is 3 Raven's attempt at a wheat beer. I find, personally, with 3 Raven's beers that they are on to a good thing
but they pull their punches. They have a lot of familiar ale styles, and some good flavour, but they're just limp
wristed. Maybe it's an attempt to appeal to a wider market... but as a micro brewery style beer it's a bit of
a contradiction.

This is a decent wheat beer. It's just not as exciting as say a Hoegaarden. It has that slight sweetness and citrus
tinge but you have to search for it rather than let it come to you.

I guess on the other hand it is easy to drink, before I knew it this beer was gone. You can knock them back
without much effort.

I'll be diplomatic, because in the end it is a good beer. They've gotten it right, but for me I'm left wondering
what could have been?


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