This is a lager from Victoria with a bit of a tacky looking bottle. That being said, it's a no nonsense beer
that isn't trying to stand out, which can sometimes be a good thing. There's some funny dialect on their website -
"Broo isn't a special occasion beer, you're allowed to drink it anytime you want and anywhere. It's not infused with
salmon, lemon or peanuts, and you don't even have to stick fruit in it. You can eat whatever you bloody well like with it,
but by all accounts the beer tastes just right on its own. A mouthful of raw squid, and a plate of something that a good
vet could get going doesn't do much for the taste.
We treat our beer like beer, it's what beer was before all the tossers tried to treat it like wine."
Given that I generally prefer ales over lagers, this is not a bad beer at all. It rings true to it's shoot from
the hip approach, and is a nice, clean lager with solid but not overbearing aftertaste. Given that most microbreweries
create full flavoured ales, a nice, straighforward lager is good for a change.
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