Here we have the infamous Chimay, a beer brewed by Trappist monks. Like a boss.
This beer was drunk wearing a shirt and tie in respect of it's boss status.
Strangely, when I opened the beer it started overflowing with foam/head, not exploding like it had been shaken up just a very slow stream pouring out of the top...
I left it sitting with a towel under it for 5 minutes while it did its thing.
Was this meant to happen? Was I supposed to perform some sort of blessing or ritual before opening the beer? I'm not sure.
Anyway, on to the holy water... this is like the mud cake of beers. It is rich and heavy (and 9% alcohol to boot). Despite this heavyness, it still keeps a cool persona. A bit like Elvis in his later years. It is a quality product, and in the end lives up to some of the fanfare that surrounds it.
You can't buy it in a six pack, and it's a 7 dollar beer, but if you're adventurous give it a crack.