I wanted to have a bunch of new beers to put up after the weekend but only had this one in the fridge that I hadn't drunk, I really thought I had more of a stash. So I ended up drinking mainly Squire and Fat Yaks that were also in there but have already come off the list.
Anyways here we have Paulaner's Okotberfest Bier. The interesting design on the can shows an entourage of fat, unattractive beer wenches carrying steins...
A bit of a marketing lesson here Paulaner. Men love beer. A lot. When men think of German girls...at Oktoberfest...carrying beer...
Well all I'm going to say is it conjures up a very different image that is a lot easier on the eyes!
To the beer though, it's your typical German fare with a big, heavy, solid flavour and that fruity/citrus like aftertaste. This one does it better than most though, and has an elevated alcohol content at 6% that gets you drunk in an enjoyable fashion. Which is what Oktoberfest is all about isn't it?
I don't want to hear about you imagining German Girls.... Esp when I am in Canada :P hehehe