Sunday, 26 June 2011

St Arnou Pilsner

I had the Pale Ale from these guys a little while back, and it was a fairly decent beer. Very, very clean, not huge on flavour but a pretty polished effort and an easy to drink beer.

Here we have a Pilsner from them, which should be reasonably different in nature than a Pale Ale you would expect.

Not really in this instance.

It's very much in the same style as the Pale Ale, very crisp and clean. This is not necessarily a bad attribute but there's just not a lot of flavour going on. You do get that citrusy tinge, but it's just that... it's a tinge more than a burst.

It's a bit tough for me to rate, as with the Pale Ale, it does top most mainstream beers but when compared to creative micros it really does fall short. I think I gave the pale ale a 7.5, this is just a touch off it's pace so I'll rate it accordingly.

It's a good beer, but is staying too far within it's own comfort zone.


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