'Old Speckled Hen'? For real? It sounds like something you'd hear from a conversation between Sir Farnsworth Pennywhistle and Lord Geoffrey Nottinghamshire after a game of polo.
"Here, here old chap, let's go for a spot of Old Speckled Hen and some scones with apricot marmalade"
Strange name aside, the story is even weirder. On the bottle it states this beer was brewed to commemerate the 50th anniversary of the MG car factory.
Can't wait for Foster's tribute to the LH Torana, should be a ripper.
Anyway, I must say the beer looks brilliant. It's a deep copper/brassy colour that changes depending on how the light hits the bottle. It's a beer with a fair bit of bite to it, the flavour is primarily malty and bitter but reasonably well balanced. It's different I'll give it that, doesn't really taste like any other lager I've had before.
It's probly a beer conniessuer's beer, your average punter won't really get into it. It's not something I'd probly get on a regular basis, but on a journey to taste a lot of different beers it was a worthy destination.
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