Here we have a Mexican beer, and really in my experience, they aren't amongst the world's best brewers of beer.
They seem to have a penchant for making watery beers like Corona and Sol, that require a wedge of fruit to be placed in them to give the flavour some depth. So the stakes are low at this point.
It only came in a can which was a bit of a bummer, the design on the can also looks like something that came
from an early 90s timewarp. Almost as if the fridge that the beer resided in contained a portal to a land
of slap bands and hammer pants.
What we have there though, is a bit of a tangy lager. The can was very cold in the fridge, so i don't know
whether that's having a negative or positive effect on the beer as it's the first time I've tasted it. It
goes down easily enough, it is a bit light on the flavour though and what's there is... as is tradition...
a bit watery.
I imagine one of the reasons that Danny Trejo is so angry all the time is because this is about as good as it
gets with Mexican beers. There's some alright flavours there, some novelty, but not much depth. Kind of like
Trejo's acting I suppose. Don't tell him I said that.
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