Arrr me hearties! This scurvy dog has sailed in all the way from the isle of Cuba. I have to say though that the pirate on the label is one of the most unintimidating pirates I have ever seen. No beard. No parrot. No eye patch. Maybe I am completely mistaken, and it is simply pirate hats that are all the rage in Cuba right now, and this is just a picture of Hector from down the road.
What we have here is a run of the mill macro lager. Pours a very boring transparent darkish yellow, with your standard fizzy bubbles. The taste begins very clean, before a near sickly sweet maltiness wades in and throws you overboard. It certainly does not taste anything like the kind of swill that Blackbeard would have enjoyed upon many a long voyage. Adversely, it's more of a Rebecca Black beer.
On one hand it's great that you can get so many different beers from all over the world, but at the same time... what's the point? I feel like I've had this beer so many times already. A light, fizzy, yellow lager. Everything is so tame, that the vague differences don't even matter. Once this challenge is done, unless one of these type of beers is forced in to my hand, I will never exchange money for one again.
If you were laying on the beach in Cuba, and some bloke rolled by selling one of these for 50c, then sure count me in. But when in a bottle shop surrounded by alternatives, there would be no choice but to make it walk the plank.
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