Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Schnitzer Brau German Hirse Premium


I really need to start checking labels more closely when I go to stock up on a trunk full of single beers. This is an 'Organic and GLUTEN FREE' beer. Gluten free beer is like an explosion free Michael Bay flick, or a cocaine free Charlie Sheen. Where is the fun in any of these situations? Nowhere, that's where.

This is a really shit beer. I'm not going to dance around the issue, it's terrible. It pours a thin, watery, 'almost-yellow' colour. The flavour... it feels wrong even calling it that. It's kind of grainy, with a squeeze of lemon in it. I don't even want this anymore. I feel like I'm watching an old friend get tortured. It's like George Lucas decided to make a 'director's cut edition' of beer.

I know this gluten free thing is huge these days, and people who can't ingest gluten would like to be able to drink a beer. The fact of the matter is, THIS IS NOT BEER. Wheat, grains and barley (which are all sources of gluten) are KEY ingredients to a beer. If you remove them, you basically have water... and some random other crap that they don't use to make beer. Just drink a vodka or tequila guys, honestly, if you can't have gluten then really you are shit out of luck if you want to drink a beer. The shit is basically gluten water.


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