Given the general gist of German Beers, and what you normally get with something named 'Oktoberfest', I was surprised to see a murky amber/brown ale pour out of the bottle. The only thing I can think of, is that while it's sunny over in Germany it's cold and windy in the US? So this may be the type of beer the yanks are after when it's 'their' Oktoberfest.
Nevertheless, Sam Adam's Oktoberfest is a deep malted ale with flavours richer than a piece of chocolate mud cake, sitting upon a solid gold plate, resting on Warren Buffet's dining table. Never fear, it's very clean and drinkable despite this and still remains a sessionable beer. Rather than being drunk by a rabble outdoors, it's probably better suited to a leather recliner and some good conversation.
It's all starting to make sense in the end. The Americans do love to claim everything as their own, and in this instance I'll waive them through the gate because this is a decent beer. At the end of the day there are more yellow/golden beers on the market than brown, so this was a surprise that was welcome in this instance.
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