Thursday, 3 November 2011

Mort Subite Xtreme Framboise

Brewers really need to be careful when they start getting all Frankenstein with their beers. Often these concoctions end up being crammed full of so much fruit that they would sooner resemble a UDL. I did sample a Raspberry beer from Jamieson earlier in the challenge, and it was surprisingly tasty. The mind does bend a bit, because often when I feel like a beer I'm after a savoury drink as opposed to sweet... if that makes sense. The Jamieson was a bit of both, sweet and then savoury. Seeing as this beer dubbed itself 'Xtreme', I was expecting a larger turn out from the raspberry crowd.

The beer comes in a 250ml bottle... which is a bit disappointing already. It pours an amazing thick cloudy red colour, with a huge frothy head. You are immediately whacked in the face with a sensation that would resemble plowing head first into a raspberry bush after a failed sky diving manouvere. The glass was completely at arms length, and still the aroma was perforating into my skull.

The feel of the beer is traditionally Belgian, in that the body feels weighted, and slightly 'oily' as it moves around your mouth. I've gotten use to this by now, and to be honest I tend to like a beer with a solid feel. The flavour though... wow... there's not much else to say except that this is raspberry as fuck. There is a genuine burst of the red berry, that is very sweet, but just delicately dances along the line of almost being over the top... but not quite. There is a beer in there somewhere I'm sure, but it's very hard to find. You've heard the reports, you've seen the legends, but haven't been able to witness it in real life. Like the Loch Ness Monster, or indicators being used on BMWs.

So in summary... this is delicious, but really hard to compare to anything else as a 'beer'. I fear that if you drank 2 or 3 of these in short succession you may very well turn in to a raspberry. I think a 7 is fair, because I quite enjoyed it but it is never going to be considered amongst my favourite beers... because it hardly tastes like one.


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