Murray's have some creatively titled beers, but their 2IPA bears the boring moniker of 'Icon'. Luckily, they have made up for this by displaying two kangaroos vigorously rooting on the label. Big IPA's have grown on me the most since undertaking this noble quest, and I have a soft spot for Murray's beers so I was eagerly filled with anticipation to sample this ale.
The pour does look very unique, it's somewhat of a peach colour and extremely dense and murky. A generous frothy head floats above, making it look somewhat like a glass of swamp mud with toxic foam emanating from the surface. This is strangely appealing in a way, as this is not a Czech Pilsner, it's a 2IPA. Rarely are they for the feint of heart.
If you loaded buckets of hops and caramel into a bazooka, and then aimed it directly at your face, then it might come close to the sensation you get when drinking this beer. Bitter pine hops spear their way through a creamy caramel topping, all encased in a full body. Don't get it twisted, this is not for everyone. If your palette can handle the onslaught, and your brain can compute what the hell is going on, then this is a great 2IPA.
Definitely rate it. Very good beer. Murray's have a staggering range of beers, all with essentially unique attributes. I salute you Muzza.
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