Well there you go. I thought Acme was primarily involved in selling oversize fireworks and anvils, but they also apparently brew beers! And according to the bottle, they are "one of the ten best brewers in the world" by the 'Beverage Testing Institute'. Riiiiight. The 'Beverage Testing Institute' sounds as credible as the
patented hyrdolizing beta-proxy-enzymes in the beauty products advertised on TV.
After all the bravado though, the beer itself is fairly disappointing. The flavour is tame and is mainly breads and malts, with some moderate carbonation and a very
feint hopped finish. Pretty quiet for a Californian really. It's not a loudmouth, convertible driver wearing a bluetooth headset... which is fine, but more a
cardigan wearing professional scrabble player. Neither is someone you want to invite to a party.
That really sums it up. Not a bad beer, but very tame by Pale Ale standards.
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