Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Milwaukee is one of the beer meccas of America I am lead to believe, they even have a baseball team named the 'Brewers'. So far I'd give the points to California in the craft beer stake, but the mainstream is still up for grabs. As I write this though I have just read that while established in Milwaukee, the brewery is now based in LA. Let's not spoil the romance though and pretend that it is still 1844.

The bottle is a very patriotic red, white and blue...which evokes a cry of "Ameeriicuuuurrr ffffuuuccckkk yeeeaahhhhhh!" in my head as I stare at it.

American lagers, in my experience, are generally diluted fizzy malt water. This however does not fall in to that category. There is notably more depth to the body of this beer. There are flavours of corn and rice, finished by your standard lager malts and then a sweet and (very) lightly hopped finish.

Still very basic, but solid for a macro lager. When the Yanks made things with bravado, instead of corner cutting, they did it better than most. If not all. This is a very drinkable lager. It hasn't followed a trend, or copied a Korean, or been manufactured in China.

I enjoyed this. Sometimes you need a break from complexity.


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