For all I know, this potentially IS Moose Drool. It tasted a bit off to me out of the bottle, so I tipped it out in to a glass to see if it performed any better.
The beer pours an overwhelming colour, it almost appears like a glass of coke. Dense and brown/black, almost thick looking. The body is slim however in the mouth. The feel is lighter than anticipated, but where the antlers come out is in the flavour.
Heavy burnt toffee and caramel flavours dominate the scene. It's definately a beer that gets better over time as you begin to adjust to it's delivery. There is a hoppy finish to it... but it is strangely melded with a layer of chocolate. I'm sure some people love it, I don't. I would rather the hops dominated a little more, just to make it feel more like a beer I guess.
Horses for courses I guess. Or Mooses...meeces? What is the plural for moose anyway?
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