It's been a while since I dabbled in this sort of territory. I've mainly been roaming through Aussie and American micro territory which vastly consists of cloudy,
hoppy ales. A German pilsner is a step in a different direction, but I figured it would be welcome at this point. As they say, change is as good as a
The Premium Pils is brewed under Germany's purity laws and thus is just water, malted barley and hops. Minimalism here is a pro, as this is just a very simple,
drinkable beer. The finish is drier and more daring than your normal mainstream Euro Pilsner, which is much appreciated. It doesn't taste like a mindless zombie
drone clutching at your brain, the good people at Paulaner are capable of independent thought and do evidently give a shit.
If you've been following this you'll remember my rant on brewers using the word 'premium', to serve up something as far removed from premium as you can imagine. It's like buying tickets labelled 'box seat' which end up having you hanging from the lights on top of the Grandstand, suspended by abseiling equipment.
Unlike any politician in the modern world, this beer however stays true to it's word. It's a great macro Pilsner. One of the best. It's never going to steal the
heart of a micro ale head, but respect must be given where it has been earnt. Paulaner is a large brewery backed by Heineken. If only some of the other heavyweights swung with such conviction.
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