Now I may have offended some Canucks with my less than complimentary review of their 'Pale Ale'. There were some circumstances around this though. Pale Ales need to be made with care and purpose, and rarely have I ever tasted a macro Pale Ale that did the job. Watering down a pale ale is heresy in my eyes, and Alexander Keith's attempt was subsequently burned at the stake.
Now I'm hitting up their lager. This is where macros can shine, somewhat, as a lager is a more 'refined' beer that can cope with mass production. Pride is back on the line.
And for the most part, it has been restored. The complexity exceeds most macro lagers, with a slightly sweet malty body
and a refreshingly bitter lager finish. Very sessionable and would probably be a good summer lager, despite summer being illegal in Canada.
Now while 5/10 might not sound groundbreaking, for a macro lager it's a good score.
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