This beer actually comes with individual brown paper bags to help you avoid the po-po, a humorous and interesting touch where packaging comes in. I like it. Packaging and branding is an area where the craft brewing crowd could do with a little more creativity. I'm by no means tarring them all with the same brush, but there are many bland, uncreative and let's admit - outdated- labels to be found.
Within the brown paper bag lies an interesting wrap around the bottle. There is a european street art style image that looks almost like a brunette being spanked by a blonde whose hand is on fire. I imagine even the German porn industry would struggle with that one. The label on this beer also tells a strange story about squatters in New York. It's too long to recap here, but out of left field nonetheless.
The beer itself is simple. Pale malts and cascade hops. The body is light, the carbonation fast but sharp. Nothing that really sounds that exciting on paper but where this beer excels is in the execution. The bullets are small, but with the aim of Tom Berenger in Snipers.
It's very easy to drink, and has more body than you normally get with your average Pilsner. It doesn't wow and excite and stand out like an Alfa Romeo, but rather be reliable and steadfast like a Toyota.
Solid beer.
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