Thursday, 22 September 2011

Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA

Hi, I'm in Delaware.

Is what you might be saying if you were visiting Dogfish Head's brewery based in Milton, Delaware.

It's rather unassuming bottle stares at you blanky from the shelf... looking like nothing but some crumpled paper with a crudely drawn fish on it. I like this approach. No flashing lights, no expensive graphic designer... things can only go up from here.

It says, "Don't worry about the label, there's beer inside."

It may be out of ignorance but I don't know what the '60 minute' line is referring to exactly. Perhaps something to do with the brewing process? Regardless, we have another IPA on the menu and I'm keen to dissect the Dogfish.

This would have to be one of the smoothest IPAs around. 6% alcohol which is mid-strength for an IPA, but it only adds to the balancing act that would have a big wave surfer jealous. Sweet and spicy. Pine and hops. IPA Bliss.

It might sound underwhelming so far, but this is a really great beer. There's nothing outrageous about it, it's a fairly straightforward IPA, but the execution is clinical.

Bottom line, if you like IPAs, Give this a shot.


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