Well that's a name and a half. 'Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Urbock', sounds almost like the title of a wealthy German lord. The label has been constructed in such a way, that it looks like it could be a secret document drawn up by a Bavarian pirate fluent in the art of treasure map cartography. Upon finding the only sembelence of the English language on the bottle, it appears this a smokebeer.
I am not even fucking with you right now. This beer smells like bacon. I had to ask my girlfriend to whiff it just convince myself I hadn't gone insane. What sorcery is this? I am left pondering what delights or horrors await me inside this glass. I've had some beers that have been 'smoked', and often stouts are a bit burnt, but I'm unsure as to whether I've had something that smells like the aftermath of an inferno at a pig pen.
The taste is something to behold. It tastes like planting your tongue on smoking embers of wood. Hits very heavy at first, and I was left wondering how I was going to get through a 500ml bottle for a moment. Gradually as you burst through the clouds of ash and in to the open, some sweetened malts start to waft by to slightly counteract the smoke. The finish is sour and bitter, but not necessarily in a bad way.
Haven't had too many bock beers so this is still a new experience. I can't say that it tastes amazing because at the moment it's a touch intense. This is definitely a 'grow on you' style of beer. Still, it feels like a very well crafted beer and I'd be game to give it another go. I had always wondered what it would be like to faceplant in to a campfire, so at least I can check that one off this list for now.
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