I love a beer that doesn't take itself too seriously. There's a lot of chest puffing amongst beer brewers at times, so sometimes it's good to have a laugh. This is a British beer doesn't wear any specific moniker like a 'Pale Ale' or 'Red Ale' or something of the like. It's just a beer. Named 'Old Fart'.
The ale pours a fairly transparent brown/red colour with not a lick of a head. This seems to be common in English Ales, which at times can seem 'flat'. Perhaps this is due to the Pom's penchant for drinking beers at room temperature rather than cold out of the fridge. I imagine this beer is somewhat like it would tasted if you licked a malt shovel. English malts dominate, with a slightly fruity tone and a lightly bittered finish. Malt and hops. Simple, but effective.
The feel of the beer is light though, and feels a bit flimsy. It tastes good, and is easy to drink... but there is no hair on it's cajones. It's too polite. They haven't really bent any bones in the flavour department, so it would've helped to beef up the overall tone of the beer. An acceptable beer, but perhaps a bit unoriginal.
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