I've had a few lagers lately, so I thought to myself... "Gee I'd like a nice ale tonight". After flicking through some of the beers in my fridge I came to this, 'Ambar Pale Ale 1900'. Any Pale Ale that has been around for over a hundred years must be alright hey? Even if it ends up run of the mill, it's still better than a bog stock lager isn't it? Even though the label looks like it was made on MS Word 97, it can't be THAT bad can it? If 'Yes' is the answer to those questions then we are like minded.
From the moment I poured this beer in to the glass, I was thinking WTF. It poured a fizzy lemon yellow euro piss lager colour, and smelt quite odd. Okay. You can't always be too judgmental at this point, so let's wait and see what it tastes like...
Get fucked. This is as much a Pale Ale as Katie Perry is a candidate for Mensa. It tastes like a mass produced, bottom of the barrel lager. I am increasingly angry at the fact it is parading itself as a Pale Ale. Maybe it was top fermented and has been labelled as such on a technicality, but regardless of the fact, you can't put this shit in a bottle and label it a Pale Ale.
Mind state is more important with food and drink than a lot of people give it credit for. Ever drunk a VB after a 1 point win, compared to a 50 point belting? It tasted different didn't it? This is not dissimilar, I am so disappointed in this beer that it feels right now like one of the worst beers I've ever drunk.
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