Thursday, 1 December 2011

Le Trappe Quadrupel

The medieval armies had their catapults, the world war troops had their artillery and modern generals have their carpet bombs. There always comes a time when you have to pull out the big guns. When only a rocket propelled grenade will do... there is no room for pea shooters and fisticuffs. This is a 10% AHV Belgian Trappist Ale. This is Chuck Norris wearing a loin cloth.

The Quad pours a thick, murky amber brown with effervescent bubbles streaming to the surface leaving it appearing almost like a Hindu Guinness. From the moment you sip it, your entire mouth is warmed with a fire of alcohol that is quickly muffled by blanket of flavour. The balance is critically sound. The flavours are familiar, dominated by sweet and spicy fruit and nuts. This beer is not about specific nuances, it's all centered around the fragile tightrope walk that the brewers have to tread. Producing a smooth drinking beer with 1/10th of it being pure alcohol is as daunting a proposition as your first battle against Dr. Wily while playing Megaman as a kid.

Really it's just showing off. It's like the double back flip. Remember when people started doing back flips on all sorts of random shit and the world went crazy? Then some dude did a double back flip. It's almost rude to the rest of us insignificant peasants to go around double back flipping various modes of transportation. By no means a casual beer to drink on the balcony, but if you've got enough hair on your chest to give it a go you will most likely be pleasantly surprised.


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