Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. This is an Aussie brewer's attempt at whipping up a Belgian Dubbel. These are the same guys that brought us the Wicked Elf Pale Ale. Will it lack the lustre that only hundreds of years of dedication and mastery can bring? The secrets of the Trappist monks are not widely spread, and a lot harder to imitate than a Witbier or Pale Ale.
The beer pours a reddish brown, with an absolutely perfect frothy head. The flavours are immediately impressive. There are sweet and spicy fruits, dark malts, with a hint of hops at the finish. The blend of flavours would even raise an eyebrow in Bruges. I can wholeheartedly say this beer tastes fantastic. The news is not all good however. Maybe it's the lack of holy water, but this does not feel like a Belgian Ale. At all. The feel is more local. It's light, and sharp on the carbonation. It's pretty refreshing given it's a Dubbel and this would no doubt be a suitably sessionable beer.
So now there's a decision to be made. Is this an attempt AT a Belgian Ale? Or an attempt to modify the style to the local climate? I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. This would not hold up in a direct comparison, but let's ditch the framework. As a beer, on it's own, this is solid. Big on the flavour, easy to knock back. Like Californian Mexican food or Asian Fusion restaurants... it might not please the traditionalists, but if it feels good - do it.
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