St Unpronouncable gave us a very beefed up Blonde beer that I enjoyed thoroughly a couple of weeks back, up here we have their 'Brune'. Not really sure what 'Brune' means, I'm going to guess 'Brown'? Perhaps it's a Brown Ale? It's an 8.5% beer, like much of the Belgian brewing brotherhood. That's all I can tell you because there isn't a scrap of English on the bottle. Interestingly 'Vitamin C' is one of the ingredients listed, so it's safe to assume that this is a healthy beverage and perhaps one to drink if you feel a cold coming on. I have read that naturopaths have even suggested it be used for colonic treatment.
The beer does pour a deep cloudy brown with a whopping head, that subsequently almost ended up on the floor. The first thing I noticed was the punch of alcohol, which was far more noticeable than in the blonde. It does require a bit of focus and patience. On about the third sip some of the dominant flavours started filtering through. It tastes a little bit like biscuits and caramel with some feint berry like flavours. Something dark, perhaps blackberry. The finish is dry and bitter and this is really where the hops pop up and say hello.
It's a decent beer, I don't think I enjoyed it as much as the Blonde though. The flavours are probably deeper, but it's nowhere near as refreshing and doesn't hide the burn as well. You can't question the craftsmanship, it's a masterfully brewed beer, simply put at the end of the day it just didn't push all of the right buttons. If you're a Belgian beer head then it's worth a try, if not then don't last any sleep.
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