Wednesday, 14 December 2011

St Feuillien Tripel

And here completes the Trifecta from this Belgian brewer. This is an 8.5% Triple and will likely cement them as another consistent performer that I have encountered on this quest. I've never been a big wine drinker, but in terms of beer, the gulf between a VB and a Belgian Trappist ale stretches as far as John Goodman's underwear during an attempt at breaking a world record for squatting. A lot of people whinge about the prices for 'non mainstream' or 'craft' beer, but when you compare it to other forms of alcohol where such an expanse is accepted, it's almost fair enough.

The Tripel pours a glorious blonde colour, and looks far from thin and watery. There is definite curves on the body, it's like Scarlett Johansson in a glass. The initial taste is fresh and spicy, and taste almost like a apples and pears. Maybe grapes as well. The image I'm getting is light coloured fruits... if that makes sense. The carbonation is punchy, if anything a touch overdone, but still adds a good sting. The finish is all bitter hops and a warm alcoholic afterburner.

They are too expensive to be regular haunts, but I'll definitely continue grabbing a few Belgian or local micro singles along with my six pack. Generally best to be sampled and enjoyed while chilling out on the couch, rather than being knocked back while out on the town. This is a tasty, refreshing, bold ale and I can recommend it to anyone who likes this style of beer.


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