Murray's are the shit. I love how they haven't just done the "We'll do one of those, and one of those and one of those" in terms of their lineup. They have a whole swag of different Pale Ales, and every single one is deserved of it's place on the roster. This one advertises itself as a low alcohol (which I wasn't aware of pre-purchase) beer that defies the notion
that dropping the concentration leads to reduced flavour.
The AHV however is 3.9%. Still over one standard drink. It's a strong mid-strength. So, one must wonder what was the point? It doesn't really give you that much room to breathe if you are trying to stay under .50 as opposed to a full strength beer? You know what? It doesn't fucking matter, because this is freaking delicious. The dark golden brown ale puffs out a huge frothy head, and washes down quicker than Paris Hilton's gynecologist. Sweet malts, bursting fruits, bitter hops. There is a touch less bite to it, but you can't knock the taste.
I suppose this barely classifies as a mid strength, and it is damn near the best I've ever had. LC's Rogers Beer is very good, and this is around the same level. After a long Christmas day it was a good night cap after a day of drinking Coronas. A tried and true session beer.
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