Here concludes my bevy of beers from The Little Brewing Co. So far they have been fairly solid. Not a wildly innovative bunch, but the point is that is far from an insult. Everything I've tried has been true to form, and they deserve their spot amongst Australia's prominent microbreweries. Last cab off the rank is a witbier, which was timely because something light is all I could go for in my currently hungover state.
The beer looks impressive in the glass, bearing a huge frothy head sitting atop a cloudy golden yellow body. The feel of the beer is great, light and soft like a fluffy marshmallow. The flavours are your standard fare of citrus siblings, lemon and orange, and the run of the mill wheat infused with stinging carbonation. The latter though is a touch toned down, the bubbles are noticeably lighter than your normal witbier.
This is a very smooth, but somewhat reserved customer. Some witbiers pack a sharp punch, whereas this has it's head up in the clouds. Less Latrell Sprewell, more Manute Bol. It's a good witbier, but with such subtle variations between them it has become a very crowded market. If someone asked me my favourite I wouldn't even know what to say, as at the end of the day, it's a much of a muchness isn't it?
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