I believe this is Swords Select's own brew, they have that little beer and wine stand at the Prahran Market. Rather than come up with some sort of shrewd marketing garb or a unique angle, they've simply named the beer after it's ingredients. Or have they? Given the boutique beer boom in the country, and Melbourne in particular, the desire for 'homemade', 'organic', and 'natural' beers has never been higher in the post-industrial era. Rather than rabbit on about how bare bones their beer is in a blurb on the bottle, they've hit that nail on the end in the title of the beer itself. Well Played.
The beer looks fantastic in the glass. It pours a deep, thick, and murky orange and yellow haze. This beer is not just cloudy, if you flew a plane through it you'd end up with half of cattle class on the ceiling. This follows through on to the feel of the beer to an extent. It's still light, but you can just feel... stuff in there. I don't know if that makes sense or not, but there's depth to the beer that you can feel. The flavours of the beer are as titled. Malt and hops dominate the scene, with sharp witbier like carbonation.
It's in interesting marriage. The flavours and murky body are counterweighted by the light feel and sharp carbonation. It's not overly smooth, yet is still well balanced. I really did enjoy this beer. It's pretty basic, but I appreciate that. You would probably have to find a Swords Select to try this, but if you do, I can vouch it's worth trying.
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