Australian's seem to wear a reputation for 'being able to drink', and especially carry a penchant for being obsessed with beer. While flying slightly under the radar, the Kiwis aren't far off the pace. They can knock them back with the world's best, and also are quite adept at producing their own quality alcoholic beverages. Probably more famous for their wine, they should be just as celebrated for their beers.
Moa describes itself as 'beer for Olympians'. I was slightly hesitant after reading this as I assumed this meant it was packed full of human growth hormone and masking agents. I have to say the label is extremely basic and very unimaginative, and after numerous trips to this particular bottle shop it's the first time I've even noticed it. An this is even when scouring painfully for beers I haven't tried yet.
The beer pours that fizzy yellow lager colour with no head, but upon further inspection contains a nice cloudy hue. It tastes slightly sweet, slightly bitter, with a very pleasant feel. It is as smooth as the polished marble floors in Pierce Brosnan's hallway. This is unbelievably easy to drink and would turn any recovering alcoholic into Humphrey Bogart within minutes. It's extremely basic, so the score reflects that, but don't get it twisted - this is a great beer.
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