Sunday, 17 April 2011


This is the second yankee beer so far. I actually didn't know this, but each Budweiser comes with a joke on the label.
The one I got on my beer was 'Budweiser King Of Beers'. This is a unique novelty I hadn't come across before.

To be honest, it's not that bad. It's a bit of a typical fare lager but it's just got more depth than some other
American beers I've had in the past, particularly the Miller I had recently. The Miller really had no flavour to begin
with and a bit of a malty aftertaste. This has got flavour across the whole band, except there's not much of an aftertaste
to it in contrast. This encourages you to keep drinking which is a subtle but well planned marketing ploy. It still pulls
it's punches, as American beers do, but it holds its own in the ring.


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