Sunday, 17 April 2011

La Trappe Blond

What is this? I don't even...

This is a very full flavoured dutch beer that has a blend of hops, malt and a fruity tingle to it. It's damn original,
I'll give it that much. I can't remember tasting a beer like this.

It's pretty daring, it starts with a very strong fruity taste to it which I can't really pinpoint as to what it is, perhaps
just a different batch of hops. I will be honest, I'm actually not that huge on the particular flavour, but that's really
just personal opinion - I'm sure others might disagree. It really is dominating, the maltiness is all but overshadowed. It's also 6.5% alcohol, but it is only slightly noticeable.

This is a beer drinkers beer, casual drinkers will probly take it like a punch in the face. The flavours are huge and
unforgiving and caught me off guard with the opening sip. Was good for a try, but I won't going back.


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