Sunday, 17 April 2011

Monteith's Original Ale

The next few will be mainly Monteith beers because I put all the different beers in an Original Ale six pack to try and
get them cheaper instead of paying for individual beers. And it worked they just scanned it in!

This was different to what I expected. I guess I had other Pale Ales or standard ales in mind when I read 'Original Ale'.
But as the name suggests, this ale is pretty original. The initial flavour is strong and heavy, and the hops are present
but have their own flavour. It stands on its own and doesn't remind me of some other ale I've drunk before. I didn't pick
it at first, but there's a touch of blackberry through it. It comes in after the initial punch and trails off into the

The Kiwis done good on this one. This is a very good beer.


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