Sunday, 17 April 2011

Mac's Brewery Sassy Red

First off let me say one thing.

For the second time, I have pulled the ring pull straight off one of these beers without it actually opening the beer.
THIS MAKE JESS MAD. The beer is then trapped inside the bottle unable to be enjoyed. THIS MAKE JESS MAD.
I then have to use various contraptions and sharp objects found in the kitchen to try and free the beverage from
its sealed chamber. THIS MAKE JESS EXTRA MAD.

I am trying not to deduct points for this but I will endeavor to judge the beer on its merits.

This is at a base level, a standard bitter lager that we Aussies are used to. But it has some layers to it. It
has a very unique malty initial flavour then then fades into a bitter aftertaste. The bitterness is sharp, but no Grand
Ridge Brewery. It's a decent drop. It's not amazing, but it's far from bad.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your eloquent response. I disagree, it is a good beer but far from the best.
