Saturday, 23 April 2011

Hahn Premium Lager

I'll have to keep this short as I'm a ball of stress after Carlton's near capitulation tonight against Adelaide.

There's not really much to say anyway about this one. It's a mainstream Aussie lager that tries its best to be a little bit Euro. Trying a bit too hard to be sophisticated, when really it should just be true to itself. Kind of like people who drive 318 BMW's.

It's a cleaner lager than you usually get from our big breweries, it's a bit easier to drink than say a Melbourne or
a Carlton but in the end it's still nothing special.


*Note, I'm going to Bali for a week tomorrow so will try and find some random beers over there (as well as the famous Bintang), not taking a computer so will probly have to update when I get back

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