Sunday, 17 April 2011

Monteith's Summer Ale

What is this... I don't even...

Wow. This is now hands down the hardest beer to review thus far. This is unlike any other beer I've ever drunk.
Strangely, it reminds me of those Stone and Wood Ginger Ales or whatever they are called. It has this sharp sweetness
to it's initial taste, it says it has honey in it but it doesn't taste like any other honey beer I've drunk. It then
trails off into a light malty aftertaste but that's really just a side act to that initial burst.

It's hard to know what to say. I don't not like it... but it just doesn't taste like beer! This has me stumped.
I don't know how to rate it. I might have to go with a 7, and then go back to it down the line and re-visit the

Anyone who hasn't tried this, it's worth a go. Interested to see what others think.


*It should also be noted that this beer was drunk on the night I invented Peri Peri Bacon. Thus hindering the beers ability to amaze me as, let's be honest, nothing is going to top that.

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